




今天,作为英国铁路供应链的领导机构,铁路供应集团(RSG)分享了其关于COVID-19对铁路行业供应企业影响的独立研究结果,重点介绍了以下方面:•铁路供应链中的绝大多数公司都出现了收入下降,工作需求和生产力•能见度管道被视为至关重要的短期和长期计划•缺乏对服务的需求和现金流被视为重大障碍恢复•整个组织有信心他们可以生存的危机提供了新的工作初秋流入管道的工作——这是由独立的市场研究组织Savanta ComRes代表显示——也识别组织需要支持的地方以确保生存,以及预期的障碍,部门复苏。在2020年4月30日至5月18日期间,通过在线调查共完成了442份回复,并进行了10次深度访谈。该调查得到了来自铁路行业的合作伙伴的支持,包括土木工程承包商协会(CECA)、网络铁路、铁路联盟、中部铁路论坛(RFM)、铁路行业协会(RIA)、RSSB等。•铁路供应部门受到了冠状病毒危机的重大影响,绝大多数组织的收入、需求和生产率都出现了下降。•组织通过实施在家工作和保持社交距离措施来应对——在不可能做到这一点的情况下,利用政府的工作保留计划。•总体而言,各组织都有信心度过危机。尽管影响持续的时间越长,信心就会下降,但在政府在5月初宣布后完成调查的受访者更有信心度过持续时间更长的危机。 • In the short and long term, cash flow and visibility of the pipeline of work across the rail sector are seen as vital for the majority of organisations. Firms would like to see an acceleration of the publication of short and long-term plans, detailing what work will be happening, when it will be happening and highlighting where plans have been altered as a result of the crisis. • There is support for the continuation of the mechanisms that Network Rail has put in place to make payments quickly, with many wanting to see this replicated across the industry. • The majority of organisations anticipate lack of demand and cash flow being significant barriers for the recovery of their organisation to pre-virus levels. Click here to see survey results. Earlier this year the RSG was invited by Government to form a Coronavirus Taskforce to set out a clear path from the current crisis to the fullest, fastest and best recovery for the rail supply chain. With the research now complete, the RSG Coronavirus Taskforce will analyse the findings to chart a clear way forward, focussing on and accelerating relevant aspects of the Rail Sector Deal to support the industry’s recovery. The Rail Sector Deal will continue to provide the focus and impetus for the rail industry and Government, to work together and improve the rail infrastructure for our country, while supporting a faster recovery from the current emergency. Philip Hoare, Chair of the Rail Supply Group and President of Atkins, said: “While the impact of COVID-19 has clearly been felt right throughout the supply chain, our research reaffirms the importance of a strong working relationship between the rail sector and government as detailed in the Rail Sector Deal. “Our industry champions are already mobilised and planning how we might accelerate our work to help the sector bounce back and continue its transformation.” The RSG Coronavirus Taskforce plans to publish its recommendations within the next few weeks and set out the key actions to support the recovery of the sector.

由独立市场研究机构Savanta ComRes代表RSG - the研究确定哪些组织需要支持以确保生存,以及部门复苏的预期障碍。



  • 铁路供应部门受到了重大影响冠状病毒危机绝大多数组织的收入、需求和生产率都在下降
  • 各组织已作出回应通过实施在家工作和保持社交距离措施——在不可能做到这一点的情况下,利用政府的工作保留计划
  • 总的来说企业有信心度过这场危机-尽管影响持续的时间越长,信心就会下降,但在2020年5月初政府宣布后完成调查的受访者更有信心度过持续时间更长的危机
  • 从短期和长期来看,整个铁路部门的现金流和工作管道的可见性被视为至关重要对于大多数组织来说。公司希望看到短期和长期计划的公布速度加快,详细说明将进行哪些工作,何时进行,并强调由于危机而改变计划的地方。
  • 有人支持继续执行这些机制铁路网已经做好了快速付款的准备很多人都想看到这一幕整个行业都在效仿
  • 大多数组织预计缺乏需求和现金流重大的障碍让他们的组织恢复到病毒感染前的水平



RSG主席兼阿特金斯公司总裁Philip Hoare表示:“虽然整个供应链都明显感受到COVID-19的影响,但我们的研究重申了铁路部门和政府之间建立牢固工作关系的重要性,这一点在铁路部门协议中有所详细说明。我们的行业冠军已经动员起来,并计划如何加速我们的工作,以帮助该行业反弹并继续转型。

